how you can help
You can send your tax-deductible donation
Payable to Pennsylvania Gettysburg Monuments Project, to:
REP. Harry Readshaw
Room 122 South Office Bldg.
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2020
We need your help in arranging for us
to speak with foundations, businesses, and
large organizations. If you know of someone who
can help with this please let us know. The
Pennsylvania Memorial is going to take several
million dollars for repairs and we hope that
these larger foundations and organizations can
help us.
You can get additional
information on the project from our office so
that you can speak to groups, organizations and
businesses about the project and solicit their
support. Many groups, organizations and
businesses have come forward with monetary
support for individual monuments or the project
as a whole. We are willing and able to give you
all the information you need, just e-mail us at
for more details.
You can buy one of our fundraising items. All profits from the items bought directly from us goes toward the project. We have several unique items for sale:
Finally, we appreciate all of
your support and help now and in the future.
Please write to the Governor:
Governor Mark Schweiker
Room 225 Main Capitol
Harrisburg, PA 17120
and to your state representative and senator to express your support for the Pennsylvania monuments at Gettysburg. If you are unsure of whom your representatives are, e-mail us and we will look them up for you. We need to know the town and county where you live so that we can pin-point them for you.
Thank you for your support,
Representative Harry Readshaw
Readshaw and the Pennsylvania Gettysburg Monuments Project may be contacted by e-mail at or by phone, 717-783-0411.
Updated: February 13, 2002
Copyright: 1997-2002
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