Readshaw's raiders

monuments tour

your tour of the Gettysburg monuments starts here

The Gettysburg Monument Project was started in 1997, when tours of the Gettysburg National Military Park began revealing the cracks of time. These monuments were raised to honor the memories of the troops who fought at Gettysburg. Many of Pennsylvania's monuments were erected by the Commonwealth and they contain the state seal. Others were raised by private organizations, survivors, the federal government, etc.
Click this image of the Pennsylvania Memorial for an overview of history and costs the Pennsylvania Memorial »
(click photos to enlarge)
Detail of interior water damage The Park Service inherited the problem of monument restoration and preservation, and park staff has tried to do its best with the resources available. Not all of the monuments are in need of serious repair, however many are. We need to address not only the serious needs, but must also keep in mind that it is more cost-effective to take good care now of those monuments that only need general cleaning and repair work, before they too become serious and expensive problems. During your tour you will see the monuments in various states of disrepair. Dollar amounts projected for the repair of the monuments and markers will be listed along with a brief history. Cannons damaged by weather samples of the problem at large »
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Damage from vandalism It has fallen on this generation of Pennsylvanians and Americans to ensure that these irreplaceable treasures are not ignored to fall into ruin and that their message not be allowed to fade from memory. Your donation of time, money or group dynamics will help to ensure that the legacy of the sacrifice and bravery at Gettysburg is passed on to future generations, so that all Americans can be aware of the course that led our nation to four years of bloody conflict. Continue the Tour continue the tour


Poor is the nation having no heroes.  Shameful is the one having them that forgets. *main page
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Updated: October 25, 2000
Copyright: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
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