Readshaw's Raiders recapture
HARRISBURG, Dec. 11 - On yet another front, state Rep. Harry Readshaw, D-Allegheny, has dispatched his troops to storm the Internet and restore the Pennsylvania Gettysburg Monuments Project Web site.
The Web site,, was largely abandoned for the better part of a year after its volunteer webmaster could no longer devote time to it. After a recent appeal to Pennsylvania Civil War roundtables for a new recruit, George Nagle of Harrisburg's Camp Curtin Historical Society & Civil War Roundtable stepped forward to volunteer for the mission.
Nagle updated the site, with the only incomplete item being a pair of cannon graphics that serve as fund-raising thermometers depicting the amounts raised for the restoration and endowment trusts. The restoration cannon actually should be entirely filled in and the endowment trust cannon should reflect nearly twice as much money raised. The graphics will soon be revised.
Other features on the site include:
Mission statement
Tour of the monuments from the 1997 booklet on the restoration needs of the Pennsylvania monuments and those of other states
How to assist the monuments project
Recent news releases
How to contact Readshaw
The Monument Challenge 5-kilometer Run and Walk - April 21, 2001
Readshaw said other features will be added to the site in coming weeks, including information about how schools can take an active roll in the Monument Challenge. "I'm hoping that 2001 will be the year in which we're able to declare final victory in the battle to save Pennsylvania's Gettysburg monuments," said Readshaw. "Our revamped Web site will play a major role in that final offensive."
Updated: December 11, 2000
Copyright: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
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